Markdown Resume

Apr 5, 2024·2 min read
by Anthony Coffey

Anthony Coffey

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Over the last decade, I have refined my expertise in business strategy, project management, cloud computing, software engineering, and digital marketing. My technical and interpersonal skills have established me as an energetic and reliable team player with a diverse background and a successful track record.

I am the owner and maintainer of a RN Native Module, react-native-expo-authorize-net, and I am very passionate about creating practical solutions that solve real problems.

My expertise extends well beyond writing code and I would love an opportunity to discuss any roles that I would be a good fit for. Thanks in advance for the consideration, have a great week!

Technical Expertise

Programming Languages & Frameworks

  • Web & Scripting: JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS
  • Systems & Applications: Java, C#, Unity, C++, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
  • JavaScript Frameworks: React/Next.js, React Native, Redux, Vue/Nuxt, Vuex, Angular, Three.js, D3.js
  • Backend & CMS: .NET, Laravel, WordPress, Drupal, Shopify, Flask, Django, Express.js, Strapi, Contentful
  • UI Libraries: TailwindCSS, Material UI, Bootstrap, Tamagui, Materialize

Software Development Practices

  • Design & Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, TDD, OOP, REST vs. GraphQL, SQL vs. noSQL, Microservices vs. Monolithic, Atomic Design, DRY, KISS, YAGNI, Responsive Design
  • Testing & Optimization: A/B Testing, Jest, Mocha, Chai, Pytest, Rainforest QA, Load Testing, Performance Optimization
  • Modeling & Documentation: Architecture Diagrams, UML, Entity Modeling, Flowcharts, API Documentation, Swagger, Postman

Cloud & Deployment

  • Cloud Platforms: Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Heroku, Vercel, Netlify
  • Key Services: EC2, S3, Lambda, Amplify, CloudFront, IAM, RDS, Azure Functions, Azure DevOps, Google Compute Engine, Firebase
  • CI/CD & DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab, BitBucket Pipelines, Terraform, AWS CLI, Linux, Vercel, Netlify
  • DevSecOps: Security Best Practices, OWASP, Penetration Testing, Kali Linux, Burp Suite, Metasploit, nmap, Nikto


  • Relational Databases: Proficient in managing and optimizing databases with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. Skilled in designing schemas, writing complex queries, and ensuring data integrity by adhering to standard normalization practices.
  • NoSQL & Real-Time Databases: Experienced with MongoDB, Redis, Firebase, DynamoDB for real-time data processing, caching, and scalable data storage.
  • Python Data Tools: Proficient with Pandas and Numpy for data manipulation and analysis, and matplotlib for data visualization.

Web Standards & Security

  • Core Web Standards: Extensive knowledge in building accessible, responsive websites adhering to W3C standards for accessibility and SEO.
  • Security & Compliance: Proficient in implementing web security best practices, SOC2 compliance, and developing websites in adherence to OWASP, WCAG and ADA guidelines.
  • APIs & Interactions: REST, SOAP, XML, JSON, YAML, Oauth, WebSocket, GraphQL

Analytics & Performance and more!

  • Tools: Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Web performance analysis and optimization techniques
  • SEO, SEM, SMM: Advanced understanding of SEO and SEM concepts to boost online presence and engagement, also experienced with social media marketing strategies and tools.

Soft Skills

  • Experienced with product development and project management.
  • Experienced working remotely with distributed teams.
  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.
  • Creative problem solver with advanced troubleshooting and problem solving skills.
  • Natural ability to work well under pressure.
  • Strong interpersonal and leadership skills.
  • Passionate team player willing to take ownership.


  • Brandon S. Page, CEO, Smart Insurance Inc.: "Anthony has been extremely professional and delivered top-notch products. He is quick to learn and provides valuable feedback to improve projects."
  • Christopher Foster, Business Analyst, Health System Information Resources: "Anthony has a passion for clean code and solution-driven methodology. He is an effective contributor to any project."
  • Jim Tafur, CTO, Marani Health: "Anthony has consistently demonstrated outstanding skills, dedication, and attitude. His attention to detail and commitment to excellence are exceptional."

Employment History

Southern Made Staff Engineer (May 2024 - Present)

  • Collaborated with sales and stakeholders to provide required research, documentation, and estimations
  • Assisted in planning and designing infrastructure, and diagrammed designs for collaboration with clients and stakeholders
  • Provided technical support to project managers

Health Tech Defenders Cybersecurity Analyst (December 2023 - Present)

  • Conduct security assessments and penetration testing on web applications, APIs, and cloud infrastructure.
  • Contributed to technical reporting of pen test results to communicate concerns and solutions

Marani Health, Austin, TX Full Stack Engineer (March 2022 - Present)

  • On AWS Amplify platform, I engineered a full stack application utilized for annotating fetal and maternal heart rate data, facilitating validation of the proprietary algorithm's effectiveness.
  • Helped to retrofit unit tests for Marani's proprietary algorithm, reaching close to 100% code coverage. (Such a fun project! I love unit testing and code coverage reporting.)
  • Authored technical documentation, and also worked on documentation for FDA submission.

FestivalPass, Austin, TX _React Native Engineer (React Native, Expo, Strapi, TypeScript, GraphQL) _ (March 2021 - April 2022)

  • Led cross-platform development of iOS / Android app using Expo SDK (React Native) that interfaced with a Strapi backend built with TypeScript and the Strapi GraphQL API.

Lifecycle Insights, Austin, TX (Remote) Full Stack Engineer (MongoDB, Vue.js, Node, Express.js) (January 2019 - June 2021)

  • Developed robust, scalable full-stack applications using the MEVN stack.
  • Utilized jsPDF to generate dynamic, branded, and stylized reports, improving the visual presentation of data and enabling custom, client-specific report generation on-the-fly which was essentially the "product".
  • Oversaw web application data management using MongoDB Atlas, ensuring scalable and secure database configurations, seamless integration with application services, and robust data recovery protocols to maintain high availability and performance.

Smart Insurance Full Stack Developer (LAMP/WordPress) (June 2016 - April 2019)

  • Collaborated closely with stakeholders to ensure our platform complied with current industry standards and specific regulations for workers' compensation insurance, enhancing legal compliance and operational reliability.
  • Led the design and development of the company’s online insurance quote system, focusing on user experience and backend efficiency to optimize performance and increase customer engagement.
  • Worked with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to implement custom solutions for analyzing user behavior, site traffic, and conversion rates, empowering data-driven decisions to boost conversions and site performance.

Rock Candy Media, Austin, TX WordPress Developer (April 2018 - August 2018)

  • Collaborated with marketing and design teams to develop pixel perfect WordPress themes from design mockups.
  • Led initiatives to optimize pagespeed and search engine performance, improving site rankings and user experience for clients.
  • Utilized A/B Split testing for conversion rate optimization, improving lead generation and user engagement for clients.

Glide Design, Austin, TX _Web Developer _ (January 2017 - November 2017)

  • Worked with team members across functions to handle support requests, develop patches for new features and bug fixes.
  • Worked directly with clients to troubleshoot, diagnose, and resolve problems in an effective and timely manner on a variety of web stacks (Angular, React, WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, Django, Joomla)
  • Developed plugin extensions for popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce, Gravity Forms, and BuddyPress.

RiskPro®, Los Angeles, CA (Remote) Full Stack Web Developer (LAMP) (January 2014 - June 2016)

  • Helped to engineer and maintained a virtual risk profiling and portfolio construction platform built on the LAMP stack, enabling financial advisors to assess and manage risk for their clients.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to translate risk assessment algorithms into efficient, scalable web solutions.
  • Implemented robust security measures to protect sensitive financial data and ensure compliance with financial regulations.

Obzervant, Austin, Texas Area Full Stack Developer (LAMP/WordPress) (June 2015 - December 2015)

  • Authored technical documentation that detailed project requirements, features, and maintenance protocols, facilitating clear communication and efficient project management.
  • Acted as a technical consultant to management, evaluating and presenting the pros and cons of various development approaches to support strategic decision-making.
  • Led initiatives to implement best practices in code quality, security, and scalability, ensuring reliability and stability.

Squeekpress, Gulf Shores, Alabama Full Stack Developer (LAMP/WordPress) (August 2013 - June 2015)

  • Integrated jQuery to enrich LAMP stack websites with animations, API integrations and perform a variety of operations.
  • Utilized Gravity Forms to create advanced form-based solutions, streamlining data collection and solving real world problems with automation using GravityForms API.
  • Resolved config issues with Apache and NGINX servers on multiple Linux distributions(usually CentOS), ensuring optimal server performance and reliability.


Gulf Coast State College - Associate of Arts | Panama City, Florida 2012

  • Planning & Design, OOP Design Principles, Java I & II, C++ I & II, PHP/mySQL, Web Design

Source Code

If you are interested in creating your own markdown resume for easier content management, feel free to use the code below as a starting point!

It ain't much, but it's honest work...
# Your Name

### Your Role

> [GitHub]( | [Website]( | [LinkedIn](


#### Introduction

*Short and engaging introduction highlighting your strengths and areas of expertise.*


#### Technical Expertise

- **Languages:** PHP, Java, Rust
- **Frameworks/Libraries:** Specify here
- **Databases:** Specify here
- **Cloud Platforms:** Specify here
- **Tools:** Specify here
- **Web Technologies:** Specify here


#### Soft Skills

*List of key soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, etc.*


#### Testimonials

> **John Doe, CEO, Good People Co.:**
> "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."


#### Professional Experience

**_Company Name_**, Somewhere, CA
_**Your Role**_ (January 2010 - July 2015)
- Accomplishment 1
- Accomplishment 2
- Accomplishment 3

**_Another Company Name_**, Another Place, CA
_**Another Role**_ (August 2015 - Present)
- Accomplishment 1
- Accomplishment 2


#### Education

**University Name** - _Degree Received_ | City, State (Year)
 - Relevant Coursework, Honors, etc.


#### Certifications

- **Certification Name:** Issuing Organization (Year)
- **Certification Name:** Issuing Organization (Year)