Sometimes when working in Node environments, console logging objects doesn't provide the information you'd expect. That may be due to nested object structures, and one way I like to make sure I'm not hallucinating is by using a helper function to log the nested data... just to be sure. ๐
Import the following module into your code and you'll be able to logNestedObjects
and see any "hidden" information that is stashed away in your response object.
export function logNestedObjects(variable: any, depth = 0) {
const indent = ' '.repeat(depth); // Adjust the indentation level
if (typeof variable === 'object' && variable !== null) {
console.log(indent + '{');
for (const key in variable) {
console.log(indent + ` ${key}:`);
logNestedObjects(variable[key], depth + 2); // Recursively log nested objects
console.log(indent + '}');
} else {
console.log(indent + variable);